Annual Meeting a Blessed, Humbling Experience

SBC Executive Committee President Frank Page encourages messengers during the evening session of the Kentucky Baptist Convention annual meeting at Florence Baptist Church at Mt. Zion on Nov. 15, 2011.

Thank you, messengers to the annual meeting of the Kentucky Baptist Convention, for your sweet spirit! My wife, Michelle, and I were blessed to spend time with you and watch you conduct your business with grace and dignity. We were encouraged by your warm greetings, kind words, and assurances that you remember us often in your prayers.

I was incredibly humbled by the commissioning time. To be encircled by our pastors and associational missionaries took me back in time to my ordination service 20 years ago when my home church expressed affirmation of God’s call on my life to gospel ministry. I sensed that same affirmation as our leaders laid hands on me and prayed for me during the annual meeting. The continual confirmation of God’s call on my life to serve as your executive director is a source of great comfort and a constant reminder of my need to be a faithful steward of that call. Knowing that I am surrounded by the caliber of faithful, gifted leaders as God has given us in Kentucky is also a source of great encouragement to me.

Florence Baptist Church at Mt. Zion was a marvelous host! From those who directed traffic in the rain to those who held the door and offered hugs and handshakes, and a choir that did an amazing job on one of my favorite anthems, the host church for our annual meeting was far more than a host church. They were a host family opening their arms to loved ones. My appreciation goes to the membership and staff for helping make this year’s meeting one of the most enjoyable I have attended.

I was pleased to see the retiring pastor of Florence Baptist Church, Tim Alexander, in attendance at the meeting. Tim has served his congregation faithfully for more than 25 years. His ministry has been marked by significant growth and a facility relocation that has the church poised to reach countless more people in the Northern Kentucky area for Christ over the years to come. If you have driven along I-75/71 through Boone County recently, then you have surely noticed that beautiful facility. The image of the lighted steeple at night is majestic. Tim shared with our messengers that his ongoing battle with cancer has forced him into retirement. Would you join me in praying for this beloved friend and faithful servant?

To that prayer request let me add this praise. I praise God for the spontaneous offering for His Kingdom work! Seeing our messengers place more than $7,000 on the altar to be invested in mission work through the Cooperative Program was yet another testimony to the willingness of Kentucky Baptists to give More for Christ.

6 thoughts on “Annual Meeting a Blessed, Humbling Experience”

  1. Rev. John N. Routh

    The Pastor’s Conference was indeed a true blessing! Was great to come to the table to such fine Biblical preaching. I am concerned though that on Tuesday, the praise teams and music leaders showed copyrighted songs on the screens without using a CCLI license. Probably not the best witness for KBC and perhaps could have made someone liable for violating copyright laws. Appreciate the KBC and staff for doing a wonderful ministry!

    1. Thank you, John, for your comment. Glad you enjoyed the conference and annual meeting. So did I!

      As for displaying the CCLI license information, while it wasn’t on each screen, it was included at the bottom of the last slide of each song as required by CCLI. So, no worries. Have a great Thanksgiving!

      1. Rev. John N. Routh

        Dr. Chitwood,
        Actually the CCLI info was not on the last slide on any of the Tuesday songs (can’t say about the evening service as we did not get to that service). Not fussin’ though cause God really didn’t appoint me to be a judge of anything (or anyone). I am very excited that the Lord has given us Kentucky Baptists such a gifted and youthful (from my perspective) leadership in yourself. God Bless.

        1. John, you are correct! One of my staff members has reviewed the slides from Monday and Tuesday and apologized that the license info was inadvertently ommitted from the slides on Tuesday. Thank you for calling it to our attention. I also appreciate your gracious words of affirmation. Blessings on you and your ministry!

          1. Rev. Routh, that was my mistake. I checked on this for Dr. Chitwood yesterday but I only checked the Monday session. When I rechecked the Tuesday session this morning, I realized that somehow the numbers were missing even though they were actually on the Monday session. As the Media Production Associate, it was my responsibility to have the numbers on there so that was my fault and I am sorry for the confusion. I don’t know how it happened but I will be more diligent to insure it doesn’t happen again. We do not want to ever be a bad witness and you were correct to point this out. Thanks for helping keep me straight.

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