Attend ‘Seminary for a Day’

Coming new this spring is a series of events that have me very excited. As a former seminary student and professor, I knew that much of my educational preparation for ministry took place outside of the classroom. I was being prepared for ministry as I learned from lay leaders and pastors in my church growing up. I was being prepared for ministry by my roles in my own family and in the secular jobs I held years before I began serving as a pastor. Later, the churches where I served as pastor supplied daily opportunities for ongoing training.

Yet, looking back, I also realize that some of the most valuable time of preparation for ministry was time I spent sitting under those called by God to train and equip ministers. While I was blessed to spend eleven years and earn three degrees studying for ministry, I know that many of my fellow ministers have never been afforded those opportunities. At least for one day, I’d like to change that.

So, during the month of March, in four locations sprinkled across the state, we are going to change that. We are calling the events, “Seminary for a Day.” The events are designed to offer practical equipping for ministers and lay leaders who could benefit from a day of formal training. Whether you never made it to college or seminary, or you just want a refresher course in a specific area of ministry, these events will help sharpen you for the work to which God has called you.

I am grateful for our educational partners in Kentucky who will be providing the professors for each event. Mark your calendar for the day and location that is the best fit for you.

The very first event will take place on March 9th at First Baptist Church of Mt. Washington with Southern Seminary providing the training. The second event will take place on March 14th on the campus of Mid-Continent University, where the Mid-Continent faculty will provide training. The third event is set for March 23 at Corinth Baptist Church in London where Clear Creek Baptist Bible College and the University of the Cumberlands will provide training. The final event will take place at on April 13 at Greenwood Baptist Church in Bowling Green with Campbellsville University providing training.

The $20 registration fee will also cover lunch. Full scholarships are available for any member of a Kentucky Baptist Church who cannot afford the registration fee. Participants will walk away with free resources and a refreshed desire to fulfill the directive of 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

6 thoughts on “Attend ‘Seminary for a Day’”

  1. Dr Chitwood, May we send contributions to your office to to help in the tuition for those who want to attend but can not afford it?

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