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Campus ministries in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth!

I recently had the privilege of attending the celebration service for the 1:8 Leadership Experience. The 1:8 Leadership Experience is the Kentucky Baptist Convention Collegiate and Young Adult Ministry’s summer missions program. Following the Acts 1:8 model, this ministry is a way for students from our university and college campuses in Kentucky to spend their […]

Campus ministries in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth! Read More »

Crossings Camp numbers are in!

E-mails. A necessary means of communication and an incredibly time-consuming task for most ministers. Maybe even drudgery. Buried in the inbox this morning, without bells, whistles, or even that annoying little red exclamation point marking an “urgent message,” was the following report from David Melber, president of Crossings Ministries:                                                    2010                       2011                       Total Campers                   8,699                    

Crossings Camp numbers are in! Read More »

Giving and Growing!

My family and I had the privilege of spending the morning and afternoon with the church family and staff of High Street Baptist Church in Somerset today. Years ago, High Street Baptist Church was planted by the First Baptist Church of Somerset, and today is a thriving, growing church. By the way, I was blessed to serve as

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Partnership works!

I visited a mission project this morning that is a partnership effort of Watson Memorial Baptist Church of Louisville, Beacon Hill Baptist Church of Somerset, and First Baptist Church, Mt. Washington. With the help of a 20 person mission team from Beacon Hill Baptist Church, Watson Memorial is converting their old parsonage into a home

Partnership works! Read More »

Church Planting is Key to Growth

There are five key areas I plan to focus upon as I begin to serve Kentucky Baptists. While many other important roles for the KBC will always exist, these are “opportunity areas” that can help us ensure you of the value of your Cooperative Program investment and, God willing, grow that investment. As previously mentioned,

Church Planting is Key to Growth Read More »

Together, we are the KBC!

In communicating to the search team some key areas I want to focus upon as I begin to serve Kentucky Baptists, I was aware that many other important roles for the KBC will always exist. Still, I see five “opportunity areas” that can help us ensure you of the value of your Cooperative Program investment

Together, we are the KBC! Read More »

Let’s do ‘More for Christ’

One of the questions I have been asked is, “What changes should we anticipate coming to the KBC?” I communicated to the search team five key areas I want to focus upon as I begin to serve Kentucky Baptists. While many other important roles for the KBC will always exist, these are “opportunity areas” that

Let’s do ‘More for Christ’ Read More »

It’s Not About Me!

“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?’ For from him and through him and

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