CP Vital for Meeting Needs in Kentucky

I was privileged to spend time recently with dozens of our in-state missionaries at their annual retreat. The meeting served as an excellent reminder of why some of the Cooperative Program dollars given by our churches are needed right here in Kentucky. While I am still excited about the decision of Kentucky Baptists to get more of our resources to the nations, I am also enthusiastic about what God is doing through our investment in our own nation and right here in our state.

Because of your investment of CP funds, one of my former students, Job Juarez, is able to serve as a pastor and planter of a new Hispanic church in Kentucky and also serves as a KBC Hispanic strategist, supervising, guiding, and assisting Hispanic pastors in the Bluegrass Region.  The Hispanic work in Kentucky is rapidly growing and Job’s responsibility for training new leaders is critical to that work.

Because of your CP investment, Greg and Alice Whitetree serve as directors of the Freeda Harris Baptist Center, sharing the message of Christ through a variety of ministries like after school ministry, vacation Bible school, sports camps, hunger relief, clothing distribution, transportation to medical appointments for seniors, seasonal celebrations, and special evangelistic events.

Because of your CP and Eliza Broadus Offering investment, many ministry expenses are covered for George and Cathy Chinn as they serve as directors of Mississippi River Ministry, coordinating the partnership of North American Mission Board, Woman’s Missionary Union, and the area’s eight state conventions. They enlist and coordinate short-term volunteers to provide ministries, evangelize the lost, strengthen churches, and start new churches in over 165 counties referred to as the “third world along the Mississippi.”

Your investment also provides for many of the ministry needs for Harrell and Debbie Riley as they minister to prisoners through the Malachi Dad’s program, Rubies for Life, Returning Heart Celebrations, worship services, and discipleship courses. They also involve local churches in ministry to the students on several of Kentucky’s Job Corps campuses through tutoring, Bible study lunches, transportation to church, job shadowing, extra-curricular activities off campus, and special evangelistic events.

Amy and Neil Wilhelmus conduct an inner-city ministry reaching thousands of people by meeting needs and sharing Christ through after school tutoring, craft classes, a coffee house, Celebrate Recovery meetings, computer and job skill training, family fun nights, and back to school programs that offer back packs, supplies, free haircuts, etc. Many of the expenses for their ministry are covered by your investment through the CP and EBO.

I could go on listing names and ministries but I trust that from this short list you are able to see that an investment through the Cooperative Program is an investment in the Kingdom. Together, we are the KBC!

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