Developing an Acts 1:8 mission strategy for your church

An Acts 1:8 mission strategy is essential to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus stipulated that we are to make disciples of panta ta ethne, “all the peoples.” In Acts 1:8, he emphasized the disciples’ witness “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Thus, obedience to our Lord’s mandate is best achieved by an intentional effort to share the gospel in our community, our state, our nation, and among the nations.

Southern Baptists realized long ago that the best way for every church to achieve a meaningful missionary presence at home and abroad is by cooperating with other churches. As they combine their resources, churches can guarantee ample and consistent support for missionary personnel and ongoing mission projects across the globe. Moreover, not having to spend time away from the work to go from church to church soliciting funds means our missionaries can be much more focused and effective. Ah, the beauty of the Cooperative Program!

A meaningful missionary presence at home and abroad is achievable for every church as they send and support missionaries through CP. Sending vocational missionaries does not, however, preclude church members from “hands-on” involvement in the work. As a pastor, I quickly learned that providing opportunities for volunteer missions at home and abroad dramatically increased the Great Commission culture in our church. Those who served as workers in the harvest grew in their personal faith, saw God’s Kingdom grow, and grew in their generosity for God’s mission. Likewise, I grew in my appreciation for our denominational mission strategy and an Acts 1:8 missionary strategy customized and personalized for our local church.

Doug Williams recently joined the Kentucky Baptist Convention’s Mission Board staff to assist churches and associations seeking to develop a customized and personalized Acts 1:8 mission strategy. Previously, Williams has served as pastor of two KBC churches, Bullitt Lick Baptist Church in Shepherdsville and Camp Ground Baptist Church in Somerset. Before coming to Kentucky, he was associate pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A graduate of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Williams is nearing completion of a Doctor of Philosophy from Southern.

Williams brings the formal training, practical experience, and Great Commission passion that will make him a blessing to Kentucky Baptists. If your church or association needs assistance, you can contact him at

Remember, the KBC was created by churches, for churches, to help churches reach Kentucky and the world for Christ.

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