God Is Still Working

Many of us use the phrase, “God is at work.” Is he? In John 5:17, Jesus says, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.”

In the context of that passage, God was at work, first, in healing an invalid. John 5 begins with Jesus at the Sheep Gate Pool commanding an invalid who can’t make it down to the healing waters, “Get up, take your mat, and walk.”

God was also at work warning a sinner. Jesus tells the invalid who has been healed, “You are well, sin no more” (v 14).

Moreover, God was at work confronting self-righteous, hardhearted, religious legalism. Much to the chagrin of the Jews, Jesus was working, granting healing and life, on the Sabbath.  

Then, we see that God was at work exposing the authority and identity of Jesus. Jesus says in v 21, “The Son gives life to whom he will.”

Finally, God was at work revealing the gospel and, thus, raising those who are spiritually dead that they might enjoy the physical resurrection. Jesus says in v 25, “…an hour is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.”

God was at work through Jesus and God is still at work. He is still healing those stricken physically, warning sinners, confronting self-righteous, hardhearted, religious legalism and exposing the authority and identity of Jesus. And, praise be to God, God is still at work revealing the gospel and, thus, raising the dead. By the power of His Spirit, God is still doing all of these things through Kentucky Baptists.

Because God is the One working through us, we can be hopeful in our work regardless of challenges or challengers, obstacles or obstructions, hardships or heartaches. In fact, if we will honor our Lord with our labor, we must be hopeful in that labor.

If you are stricken physically, remain hopeful for God is still healing. If your warnings to a sinner seem to be ignored, remain hopeful, God is still at work. If the legalists threaten you, remain hopeful, God is still working. Though many are blind to the authority and the identity of Jesus, remain hopeful, God is still working. When the gospel is rejected, remain hopeful, God is still raising the dead.

Kentucky Baptists, with 2 million lost in our state, we still have work to do in Kentucky.  With billions lost in our world, we still have work to do to the very ends of the earth. Let us declare, with our Lord, “My Father is working until now, my Savior is working, and I am working.”

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