The Kentucky Baptist Convention annual meeting, coming up on November 14, is hardly more than a month away. I hope you are making plans to attend. The KBC Pastor’s Conference will be held on November 13 at Highview Baptist Church East Campus and is open to all to attend at no charge. The KBC annual meeting will be held at the same location on the following day.
The annual “KBC family reunion” is a time of celebration when the people known as Kentucky Baptists will offer praise and thanksgiving for the ways God has chosen to use us this year. And we have plenty to celebrate!
This year we will celebrate a record number of children being ministered to through Sunrise Children’s Services and a record enrollment at University of the Cumberlands. We will celebrate generous Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong, and Eliza Broadus mission offerings. We will celebrate thousands of baptisms, thousands new KBC church members, and dozens of new church plants. We will welcome newly affiliated churches into our KBC family and celebrate the Cooperative Program giving in KBC churches that surpassed the KBC CP budget for a second straight year.
And that is just the beginning of all we can celebrate!
The Apostle Peter called God’s people a “chosen” people. Peter wrote,
You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. (1Peter 2:9-10)
In these days, when some will speak against us because of our commitment to the truths of Scripture, my prayer for Kentucky Baptists as we gather for our annual meeting is that our time together will be not only a time of celebration. I also pray that we will renew our commitment to live and serve in such a way that we will display God’s glory and Christ’s love so others might be drawn to Him as the Spirit uses our good deeds and verbal witness of the gospel. I pray that what should happen will happen, that through us the light of Christ will shine brighter as the world becomes darker.
Mark your calendar for the KBC annual meeting celebration on November 14 at Highview Baptist Church East Campus. I hope to see you there!