Urging Gov. Beshear to Sign the Religious Freedom Bill (HB 279) into Law

On March 12, I wrote a letter to Gov. Steve Beshear urging him to sign the Religious Freedom Bill (HB 279) into law.  Click here to view a copy of the letter.

Please add your voice to mine.  You can take action now by calling Gov. Beshear’s office and urging him to sign the Religious Freedom Bill (HB 279) into law as soon as possible.

What is HB 279? Here are details from our KBC Public Affairs blog:

The bill restores the “compelling interest/least restrictive means” as a legal test the government must pass before restricting religious freedom, bringing Kentucky in line with federal judicial standards. Click here to read the bill’s language.

Last Oct. 25, the Kentucky Supreme Court changed the state judicial standard when dealing with religious freedom cases to the “rational basis,” which means government just needs “a reason” to infringe on someone’s religious freedom.

If HB 279 is signed into law, The “compelling interest/least restrictive means” test would be re-established and would mean that the government once again would have to have a compelling interest to restrict religious freedom, and even then it could only use the least restrictive means to accomplish its compelling interest.

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